The breakdown. After 9 years of almost uninterrupted operation, my Raspberry Pi broke down. It is a capacitor which finally burned. I think the site was down for several weeks, but I restarted it after fixing it. The 418 Error is back online!
Perhaps the pie goes off if left warm too long? If this is a pi 2, the tantalum input decoupling cap is sensitive to high input voltage. Your battery/power may be a little more than 5 volts. Caps can also fail from too much ripple, but it should get hot first. Hope the new one continues to not brew coffee for many years.
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ReplyDeleteI'm getting a 500 error when visiting the teapot site, unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the pot fell off the counter and broke probably, so no more tea I guess?
ReplyDelete:( 500, no 418..
ReplyDeleteHey! I love reading your blogs. Thank you for sharing! Tyent
ReplyDeleteOh! Unfortunately, I'm getting a 500 error. contact us here
ReplyDeleteI guess this has been resolved years ago.
Thanks a lot for posting about this matter on your webpage and for mentioning what should be given more attention to this field.
ReplyDeleteHey! I believe this has been resolved. Do you have any updates?
Feel bad for you. Hope you have moved on.
مركز عراف التابع للدكتور العماني الشهير محمد سالم بن علي الهاشمي المتخصص في علم الروحانيات وما وراء الطبيعه وكشف الطالع
ReplyDeleteWhy I couldn't brew coffee?
ReplyDeleteYou are lost at blogger comments? 🤣
DeletePerhaps the pie goes off if left warm too long? If this is a pi 2, the tantalum input decoupling cap is sensitive to high input voltage. Your battery/power may be a little more than 5 volts. Caps can also fail from too much ripple, but it should get hot first. Hope the new one continues to not brew coffee for many years.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this update. Keep sharing! Frigidaire Repair
ReplyDeleteWow it lasted for a long time
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to know that it's already fixed. Please don't hesitate to ask Frisco Concrete Contractors if you're in a trouble fixing a related bug.
ReplyDeleteThank you for correctly following BREW requests for so many years!
ReplyDeleteThe capacitor just wanted to make coffee but it was stuck in a teapot TwT
ReplyDeleteHopefully Mozilla ads HTCPC support next update